Are you an experienced open-source contributor interested in recruiting new people for your project?
Are you a fan of open-source who would be interested in contributing at any level but isn't sure how to?
Come to Tog's first Open-Source Night on February 20th!
These hands-on sessions aim to bring together experienced open-source
contributors with people who would like to get started but aren’t sure
where to start or would generally benefit from having someone to ask
questions to.
Every month we will start with a couple of people speaking for 5-10
minutes, to introduce the project they are working on, what is the
usual path for contributing and where they are currently looking for
help. Then we will form groups and work on making a contribution for
the rest of the evening.
I'm hoping to make this into a regular monthly event. The current plan is to try it for a few months and see what it becomes. This will heavily depends on who attends so, help me recruit lots of interested people from both side of the contributor spectrum in Dublin :)