1. Python/Django Crash Course in Tog

    Are you a programmer interested in picking up Python and Django?

    Rory is running a crash course in Tog starting this Thursday. There'll be two 2-hours sessions -- the first one about Python, next week about Django.

    It's short notice but if you've been meaning to learn Python, now's your chance …

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  2. Desktop Summit 2011 - Back!

    The Desktop Summit is finished for me, though it continues on with workshop and BoFs.

    Berlin's weather is pretty much like Dublin's with regard to the sky colour and rain status; though maybe with a few more degrees :) I quite enjoyed the conference, very happy to meet again the friends …

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  3. Desktop Summit 2011

    I'm going to the Desktop Summit 2011

    Tomorrow morning at ass o'clock, I fly to Berlin to attend the Desktop Summit \o/ The talk schedule looks fantastic and I'm really looking forward to it, and to meeting again the friendly people from last year as well as new friendly faces.

    Woohoo! See you there!

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