1. Getting started with virtualenv

    Published: Sun 13 March 2011

    In Tech.

    tags: python

    After switching to pip a while back ("pip uninstall", oh yeah!) I thought it was time to tame virtualenv, as pip and virtualenv tend to be introduced as the ideal way to work with Python nowadays. I started poking at it properly today, here's where I am so far.

    $ pip …
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  2. Teaching conclusions

    My last course to teach Python to beginners ended Monday last week and wow, am I behind in writing up the post-mortem :)

    This time I taught the basics of programming with Python to a group of 6 adults, mostly PhD students either in political sciences or mechanical engineering. Nearly all …

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  3. FOSDEM, over and out

    Another fantastic edition of FOSDEM is now finished. Many thanks to the organisers for another great job!

    Welcome talk, picture of the room

    Amazingly, the Welcome talk managed to top off last year's FOSDEM dance, this time by making the audience contribute the music. I hope they do it again next year, it was kind of …

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