1. Book reviews: Year 2014

    Howl’s Moving Castle (Howl’s Moving Castle, #1) by Diana Wynne Jones

    A big fan of Ghibli, I had meant to read the book the movie was based on for a while and not surprisingly, I tremendously enjoyed it. At first I wondered what the fans were unhappy about …

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  2. Book reviews: Year 2013

    Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1) by John Scalzi

    I'd been meaning to read this book for years and years, but never got around to it. I sneakily suggested it as the next book for our bookclub and behold, I now had peer pressure to help me make the …

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  3. Moving to Mastodon

    Three years since my last post, haha. And a couple of hardware failures in the meantime, too. Let's see if I remember how to get set up with Pelican.

    I dropped off Twitter a while back, but Mastodon is giving me hopeful vibes (could just be the "new-to-me site" feeling …

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  4. UXDX 2018

    Whoops! Clearly I'm never going to finish writing up my notes for the conference last year. Better post what I got even if incomplete, before the next one begins :-) I couldn't get a discounted ticket this year and won't be attending. Have fun, everyone there!

    I was lucky enough to …

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