1. New addition to the family | Roomba!

    Picture of the roomba

    The name was supposed to be Yojimbo (as a very useful but usually quite expensive invocation), but after observing the robot in action it will probably become Bumpy. The cat is not quite sure what to make out of the jumpy, noisy intruder yet, and is observing keenly and safely …

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  2. Teaching how to program using Python, roundup

    Over a few weeks, I taught a group of 6 teenagers, complete beginners, how to program using Python as the main language to illustrate concepts and to code examples. There were 4 sessions lasting 3 hours each. The final session was about 3 weeks ago and since then I've been …

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  3. OSS Bar Camp

    Had an awesome time at OSS Bar Camp yesterday! I attended some awesome talks about healthcare in developing countries, automating documentation, open-source sustainability, SELinux, ZFS/BTRFS, UCD open-source lab... (which I hope to go visit for Irish coding day next week-end, after hearing some awesome things about their facilities.)

    As …

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  4. Moved

    Published: Mon 05 April 2010

    In Tech.

    The moving house thingie went well, love the new quiet location. This being Ireland, of course, I still don't have Internets... Ah well. As of 2 hours ago I am now the proud and confused owner of a pair of glasses, trying out the world with anti-aliasing on. It's weird …

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