1. FOSDEM 2011

       I'm going to FOSDEM 2011
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    I will be attending FOSDEM again this year (weather and airline strikes permitting -- fingers crossed!). I'm also hoping to drop by the Gnome meetup on Saturday night and say hi to a few familiar faces.

    Very much looking forward to it!

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  2. Spring cleaning

    I'm after "spring" cleaning a little the website. A bit of CSS here, updating some Django code there, adding a couple of icons and creating new pages. It's a bit sad how short the "Speaking & Writing" page ended up being! A clear path for improvement in 2011.

    In other news …

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  3. Identi.ca and XMPP

    I've been trying out micro-blogging through Identi.ca recently. (I'm jpichon, if you're curious.) I find their integration with XMPP both awesome and handy, so here's a quick guide to setting it up and using it, if you haven't given it a try yet.

    Activating it

    Start by adding update …

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